525 Ferry road
Edinbugh, UK
525 Ferry Road is located in the Crewe Toll area in Edinburgh, approximately 2.8 kilometres to the north of Edinburgh city centre.
The proposed scheme will deliver 256 new units of much needed housing and mixed-use workspace. The existing basement will be retained, allowing most of the parking that currently dominates the existing landscape around the office building to be transformed into an ecologically-led landscape setting for this new community on Ferry Road
Image DAAKO studio
Image DAAKO studio
The proposed landscape will deliver improvements across the site in the provision of outdoor amenity spaces, ecology and biodiversity, and sustainable urban drainage. Increased physical and visual permeability will improve the Ferry Road streetscape through pedestrian-oriented entrances, planting improvements and amenity garden spaces that can be used by the public. Within the courtyard and communal areas, a wide range of outdoor amenities will be provided for residents in richly planted gardens set in ecologically suitable habitats.